- Dec. 06 2015 - Benbow Crater Floor!
- We made it!!
- All the effort was worth it. We made
it to the bottom, and the lava lake was spectacular! After some
delays, we only had one day left to get to the bottom, and the
weather gods smiled on us.
- The trip to the bottom requires a two-stage
rappel down very steep crater walls, vertical in some spots,
with very loose rocks. The falling rocks actually pose more of
a danger than the lava.
- Once at the bottom, we were able to
get as close as possible to the churning lava. What a sight to
behold. The lava forms these fountains that shoot high into the
air, and it's fascinating to watch the lava change colour as
it flies through the air, cooling slightly as it goes.
- We got some amazing photos and video,
and I'll be sharing more when I can.
- Extra kudos to Erik, who injured his
leg due to a falling boulder yesterday while hiking near base
camp. After a bit of first aid, pain medication, and a good night's
sleep, he felt well enough to do the descent with us.
- If you're wondering how we get back
out... We use special, gas powered rope ascenders that clip to
our climbing harnesses. They act like a personal elevator. Without
them, this would be practically impossible.