- Feb 20 2020 - Aldabra Atoll, Seychelles
- The past few days have been amazing!
- I've been aboard the expedition ship
Le Bougainville, skipping from one remote island to another here
in the Seychelles. The seas have been calm, the snorkelling has
been outstanding, and we've had the opportunity to get to some
islands that are very seldom visited, like Aldabra Atoll. The
tiny islands has a spectacular lagoon, mangrove forests, and
a huge population of wild, giant tortoises. Many more than a
re found in the Galapagos!
- We took inflatable Zodiacs ashore,
and got to hike around for a while, and meet with some of the
researchers who are studying the tortoises and the other biodiversity
on the island. My ability to post updates is limited, but rest
assured, I'm doing fine. This ship is an amazing, luxury vessel.
- I'm on board, shooting some video of
the sales & marketing team at Zegrahm Expeditions. It's a
tough assinment, but someone has to do it!