- Oct 23 2018 - Chobe National Park, Botswana
- The past few days have been all about
the wildlife. Etosha National Park in Namibia really surprised
me. There was so much wildlife, despite it being an arid desert.
We saw elephants, giraffe, zebra, lions, cheetah, rhinos, and
so much more.
- Many of the animals were spotted near
watering holes, of course because they all have to drink at some
- A highlight was spotting a leopard.
This was the last of the "Big 5" that I had yet to
see in the wild (leopard, lion, elephant, rhino, & cape buffalo).
- Crossing the border into Botswana was
not too bad, with minimal hassle.
- From there it was on Chobe National
Park. This area is a lot more wet than Namibia, and is part of
the Okavango Delta. We did game drives, and even a boat trip
to spot wildlife. There were hippos, elephants, and lots of crocodiles.
At one point we were able to bring the boat right up to the shore
where there was an elephant carcass, surrounded by crocs. The
smell was overpowering, but the scene was fascinating to watch.
- The last leg of the trip is coming
up. Next, we're crossing another border, this time into Zimbabwe
to go to Victoria Falls. We're hoping for clear skies so that
we can attempt to photograph a lunar rainbow at the falls. Fingers