- Day 2 - When I woke up, we were already
docked alongside Sisimiut. The weather was cloudy, a little drizzle.
After breakfast I went ashore to walk around and see the town.
The last time I was here was about 11 years ago, so I was looking
forward to checking it out.
- Greenland is known for its vibrantly
painted houses. Each one a different bright shade of blue, red,
yellow and more. It is very pretty. I wandered around the local
museum and church in town. Then went to the Taste Of Greenland,
where we had samples of local cuisine which included: snow crab,
Greenlandic shrimp, dried fish, musk ox sausage, and muktuk (cooked
& raw) minke whale, & musk ox soup. In the afternoon,
we all go back aboard Le Boreal and we shoved off.
- Because it was early in trip, there
were quite a few mandatory meetings and tasks that had to be
done today like biosecurity checks, a zodiac meeting, getting
boots etc. At 5:00 I gave my first talk in the theatre. Exploring
Earths Extremes. It went very well, and it was great fun
working with a live French interpreter (Anne Geukes).
- Later in the day, there was an emergency
on board. One of the crew had a medical emergency and a helicopter
had to come an evacuate them using a long-line and basket. I
don't know exactly happened, but it's a good thing that we were
close to Sissimiut where the helicopter would have come from.
- Tonight was a fancy cocktail reception
with the captain. I put on my suit, and we had a nice, multi-course
dinner in the main dining room, then listened to live music in
the bar for a while afterwards. This is a very posh ship.